January 2024

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year.  I'm embarrassed at how long it's taken me to get back to this site and maintain it.  I simply haven't made it a priority.  No excuses.  No bullshit.  

2023 was a difficult year financially as the SAG and WGA strikes put a huge damper on my ability to make a living. I work on set so with little to no production going on, I didn't have much to light.  I think the strikes were worthy fights but I reserve my opinion on how effective they were until I get back to work.

I have struggled to maintain my musical output. My day job pays for all the recording, web stuff and distribution. We have a new batch of songs coming along nicely and I'm excited about them.  But production is stalled because I refuse to go into debt to produce music that generates little income.  Any artist will tell you that they don't really do it for the money, but the thrill of being creative doesn't pay the rent.  Spotify certainly isn't going to pay enough to live on for a while.  I'm not complaining.  I'm just stating facts.  Until I land another job, I'll be content to sit and write songs and record them at home as demos.

Writing has been going well and I'm enjoying a time of wonderful productivity.  My reading has involved Rick Rubin's book “The Creative Act” as well as Stephen Pressfield's “The War On Art”.  Both books have helped me to achieve a new perspective on being an artist.  As a result, my output is increasing and I think the quality of the songs is getting better too.  I don't know what I'll do when I get back to work and have to fight for the time to write again.

You may have noticed that I have added a donation button to this site.  I'm not begging.  But if you wish to support this creative endeavor, your help would be most appreciated.  I haven't gone so far as to figure out how to say thank you, but at the least, I will add your name to the credits on the physical copies of the songs.  I'll probably do shout outs from the website too.

I hope that your holidays were excellent.  And I hope to be able to share more new music with you soon!


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